Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sharing Images!

image by Horia Varlan

In my 21st century class, we watched a video about using other people's pictures. Most of what it said was common knowledge to me, but I guess it is always nice to review those rules. It talked about how to properly put your own images onto the Internet. You first need to have a Creative Commons license, which was news to me. There is a bare use law, which gives your pictures full copyright. No one can sell or use your work without you first giving permission. When someone chooses to use your work, they must give you attribution, or credit, for your images. This is the basics of what I learned about sharing work on the Internet.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

$aving Ca$h

The most common way that I spend my moola is by shopping!!! I go shopping quite often, and usually come home with at least two new things! I also spend my money on birthday or holiday gifts for my family and friends. The last main thing that I spend my money on is when I go on a vacation, because I usually buy souvenirs for myself and some of my friends!

image by Images_of_Money

I think one thing, that I know would be easy and affective, would be to set aside a little bit of money every time I earn some. This would be a good idea, because I wouldn't just go and spend all of the cash I just earned on while shopping! I could keep this money somewhere safe, but not 100% accessible at all times. I would do this, because then I could not just easily take some for my next shopping trip when I'm running low. This would help guarantee that I would've saved that money, and that it wouldn't just go to waste on something I really do not need!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Health Care Reform!

For my 21st century class, we read an article about a new health care law. It is called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. This law says that anyone without health care by 2014 will need to pay a fine. This will be decided in June, and will affect the 2012 election greatly. According to the article, many U.S. citizens have different opinions on this new law, so it will be interesting to see the results!