When it comes to thinking ahead about what I want to do after college, I haven't really thought about it too much. I feel like I still have a lot to learn before I can really decide that. Although, right now I really like music, but I don't really know what I could do with that. I guess if I really think out of the box my dream job would be something big, like a singer or actress, but I'm not really counting on either of those happening.(: When I think of work, I don't always think of something that's enjoyable or fun. People don't always do work that they enjoy to do; they just work, because they need the extra money. People also do not have to be paid for the work they are doing. Think of volunteers; they work very hard to help out the community, but they don't get paid at all. I think that work inside of school, is different from the work we will do outside of school. Our school work is to prepare us for the work we will do later in life. Also, the work we do in school is just given to us, on a worksheet or from a book. When we have a real job, things won't be like that. Here's my last point. In school we learn the basics like Math, Science, English, and History, but if you really explore different careers, there is thousands of things that don't always apply to these subjects. Therefore there's way more options.