Thursday, May 3, 2012


 The girls in group B on a hike!

      Last week, my class took a trip to ELC , an environmental learning center. It was the best-est thing EVER. We left on Monday morning at 5a.m.! My dad actually was one of our chaperones, so it was cool to have him there with me! Throughout the week we participated in many activities: every day we had 3 classes. My favorite was probably rock climbing. We did this on Friday. There was a huge rock wall, with 6 areas to climb. The hardest one had a goat at the top; the instructor told us to kiss it if we made it up there.(: This was different then any other rock climbing I've done, because it was actually legit and didn't have made handles for you to grab on to. First, we had to learn how to belay for someone else and pass the belaying test. After that our instructor gave us tips on how to climb. We started climbing, but the time went by really quickly....I only had the chance to try 3 of the areas on the wall, but I made it to the top on all of them! Some of my other favorite activities were the ropes course, participating in my class' polar plunge (BRRRRR.), stream study (I caught a tiny crayfish and named it Liam! :D), and FIRST games (team building activities!). I'm really sad to be back, because I really feel like it was an awesome opportunity and experience for my grade. I also think that we all bonded a lot over the week, and it was cool to really recognize how many friends I really can trust in my class! I wish I could go again.(:

1 comment:

  1. Holy (Caroline) flack (hahaha) I love that picture!
